The sun is finally shining, the temps are rising and the flowers are starting to bud. After being cooped up inside all winter long, these telltale signs that spring has sprung have most of us making a beeline outdoors. Often what awaits us though is more mess than magnificence.
From cracked concrete and missing shingles to chipped paint and algae, harsh winter weather can be rough on your home’s exterior. Taking care of minor issues now can prevent major problems from cropping up later. So, each spring, I take a walk around my entire property to look for damage or other signs that my home needs help.
Look up, look down, look all around! As you walk, examine every facet of your home, from top to bottom: roof, gutters, trim, siding, windows, doors, porch, steps, foundation, sidewalk, driveway, deck, shed. Keep an eye out for the telltale signs of trouble from the list below.
Look Up
For a better view, consider asking a neighbor next door or across the street to let you come upstairs and look from their vantage point. You’ll be surprised what you can spot on the top of your house. If that fails, ask them to at least alert you if they spot a problem.
Roofs – Most homeowners know that a missing shingle should be replaced quickly to prevent leaks. But did you know that if several shingles begin to come loose, the glue beneath your shingles could be failing? If you often have loose or missing shingles after a storm or a harsh winter, your roof may need a full replacement. Be sure to also look out for tiny rocks and granules in your gutters and downspouts. This could be a sign that the shingles’ protective coating is starting to wear off, signaling the coming need for a new roof.
Chimneys – Strong storms can blow off your chimney cap, allowing animals as well as rain and snow, to creep inside. Do you see missing, damaged or deteriorating bricks and mortar? These seemingly small things can cause major moisture issues down the road. Is your chimney beginning to lean, hang or pull away from your home? Time and gravity can cause significant damage to a chimney and create safety concerns if left unfixed. Incorrectly installed siding and flashing around your chimney, which is revealed by warped siding or water marks on the brick, can lead to indoor leaks. Be on the lookout for these warning signs, and always hire a contractor that specializes in BOTH roofs and siding to perform work around a chimney.
Gutters – Are leaves and sticks—or those evil gumballs—poking out of your gutters? Cleaning out gutters is a common item on most homeowner’ spring to-do lists. While up on that ladder, be on the lookout for nails that are popping or rusting, and for dings, holes or bends in your gutters. If your gutters continually get clogged, you could soon be in for a much bigger problem. Gutters without tops or leaf guards can trap debris, causing water to overflow and back up into your home. Peeling and bubbling paint on your home’s trim can be an early sign of trouble. The resulting damage to rafters and drywall can be significant.
Siding – Most damage to siding is easily spotted, such as cracking, rotting, warping, buckling or molding. Sometimes a quick power wash will solve the problem, and other times a repair or replacement is necessary. Even when your siding isn’t showing signs of obvious damage, underlying problems can still exist. Try rubbing your fingers along vinyl siding—if any color or chalky residue comes off, the siding may be nearing the end of its lifespan. The sun can cause fading, but the heat can also cause vinyl siding to expand, popping up fasteners and causing pieces to come loose or fall off. Wood siding may need a new paint job if the existing paint is bubbling up or peeling.
Lighting – Broken, non-functioning or flickering light fixtures can be a major safety concern. Sure, you may just need to tighten a few screws or replace your lightbulb. But oftentimes these warning signs are indicative of underlying electrical issues that could cause a fire if left untreated. Other issues to look for include drooping fan blades, rust or corrosion, and fixtures that have broken or come loose from your home.
Trim –Spotting problem areas on your home’s trim can be tricky, especially on two-story homes where smaller issues may be difficult to see from the ground. If you do notice missing or bubbling paint, it could be a sign of trapped water and rotting wood beneath. This can be caused by ice damming in winter storms, overflowing gutters, or just normal wear and tear. Even insects, such as bees and beetles, can bore holes in trim, letting in water and causing damage. Be sure to paint your home’s trim every few years or, for a low-maintenance solution, consider vinyl trim wrap.
Look Down
This time, go upstairs (if you have upper stories) in your own home! Start by taking a broad look around your property from above… an angle you might not focus on very often (the view above is of my own front yard). Then, go outside and start walking the perimeter of the house.
Foundation – Any type of gap, opening or hole in your foundation can cause moisture problems and even let in small animals. If you notice a crack, missing or shrinking caulk, broken or missing vents, or missing mortar or grout between blocks, it’s time to call in a professional to diagnose the issue and suggest a fix. If you notice any crumbling on your foundation’s blocks, the seal coat could be wearing thin. A simple repainting usually does the trick to prevent further deterioration. Lastly, you’ll want to look for any piles of sawdust near your home’s foundation, which could indicate termite damage.
Concrete – Sadly, all concrete cracks. Some cracks are minor, and others are severe enough to be dangerous, especially for young or elderly family members. Check your concrete sidewalks, driveways and patios for any cracks, unevenness, sinking or broken concrete. Be on the lookout for anything that could be dangerous. If you find a crack that is more than two inches wide or areas that are raised and can pose a tripping hazard, then a professional repair is needed. In the photo above, you can see the wood dividers between the slabs of aggregate concrete in our sidewalk. The slabs had sunk so much when we bought the house, people constantly tripped on the wood—so we had it cut flush with the concrete as a solution.
Pavers – Have the pavers in your yard started to shift and become uneven? Is the grout between the pavers beginning to deteriorate or grow moss? All grout needs to be cleaned occasionally and eventually it will need to be replaced. It’s recommended that homeowners pressure wash pavers and grout at least once a year, to keep it looking good and to help it last longer. When it’s time to replace the grout, be sure to order paver grout, drainable grout or hard concrete.
Landscaping – You may not think your trees and bushes will have much effect on the safety and longevity of your home, but that’s far from the truth. Besides dramatically decreasing your home’s curb appeal, overgrown landscaping can increase moisture, mold and pests, causing more serious issues down the road. Large trees left unchecked can become dangerous and can even threaten your home and family during storms. So, keep your grass cut (just not too short – for a healthier lawn, experts recommend keeping grass at 2.5 – 3.5 inches) and trim bushes and shrubs. Get your trees professionally shaped to help them grow beautifully and safely. We had this done to the tree above in our front yard. Now we need to deal with the raised roots, which you can only see by looking above. They are becoming a tripping hazard!
Steps – Even though you probably use the stairs to your home several times a day, you’re probably not giving them a regular inspection. Daily use can quickly take its toll, so homeowners should pay close attention to smaller issues with their steps to prevent larger safety issues from cropping up. If wood steps become discolored or moldy, a quick pressure wash will have them looking good-as-new again. But if the wood is beginning to split or rot, or the frame is beginning to wobble, sink or pull away from your home, it’s time to replace damaged boards or consider replacing the structure all together. To prevent snags, tripping or other injuries, be sure to hammer down any nails that begin to stick out. For brick or concrete steps, check for and replace missing mortar, grout or whole bricks, and patch cracks before they grow.
Look All Around
Now is the time to roam your property and examine everything else, from exterior structures to things that grow.
Windows – Water stains underneath your windows, either inside or outside, are often the first sign of trouble. You may have also noticed cold areas in your home or even a draft coming through any windows where the caulk is damaged or deteriorating. On the exterior, look for bubbling or chipping paint, chalking or fading siding, or softening or rotting wood around your windows, which all indicate water damage. Once there is visible damage, new wood is needed (ideally capped with vinyl wrap, or it might be time for a full window replacement. For especially harsh areas, with strong winds, rain or blowing salt water, extra protection may be required underneath the siding adjacent to your windows to prevent future leaks.
Porches & Decks – Damage to the top of your porch or deck is usually quite obvious. Wood that is warping, splintering or rotting, nails that are rusting or popping up, or paint that is fading, molding or chipping. Sadly, the less obvious damage that can occur underneath the top boards can be much more troublesome. Take a look under your porch or deck to check for rotting wood on the support structure itself. Try taking a peek after a storm, to see if you notice any standing water around support posts or skirting. When it’s time to replace your deck or porch, consider using composite decking materials, which last much longer and require significantly less maintenance.
Fences – Like nearly everything built of wood, fences can easily fall prey to fading, rotting, cracking, leaning, discoloration, mold, splintering and more. Because the wood is in constant contact with the ground, moisture can quickly wreak havoc on wood fences, causing them to fall into disrepair in just a few years. Wood fences should be sealed every year and checked for any signs of damage. Vinyl fencing may cost a bit more up front, but over the long term, it requires much less maintenance and isn’t as badly affected by moisture. You will still want to check it for cracks, of course.
Sheds – Moisture is a frequent problem with sheds, as many common prevention methods used on homes are skipped on sheds to save on cost. Because sheds are often just used for storing lawn and gardening equipment, they are sometimes neglected. If you notice rotting wood, cracking or bubbling paint, or any other common signs of moisture damage, some repair work may be in your future. All sheds, even those made of plastic, need a proper foundation. If your shed was not built on blocks, you’ll want to regularly monitor the wood support structure underneath, as it can quickly begin to rot.
Doors – Exterior doors do not usually require a great deal of upkeep, but you should check them every so often to be sure that any weather stripping is still intact and not crumbling. If the paint is starting to bubble or chip, a simple paint job will make it look brand new. If you see light coming through, you may need to re-caulk the affected areas. Composite doors may cost more but will last longer and require less maintenance over the years. Every door needs some way to shed water, to avoid moisture damage. If your door is not protected by a roof, rain guard or awning, be sure to either hang it so that it opens outward or install a storm door.
Garage doors – Over time, garage doors can rot or become pretty banged up. Sometimes a new coat of paint is enough. But, if not, consider replacing them with insulated garage doors, which reduce noise and increase the energy efficiency of the space.
Now is the perfect time to address issues on the exterior of your home, before those April showers arrive. If your list is more than you can manage on your own… the experienced team at Quality Built Exteriors is ready to help. Call them today for a free estimate.
Melissa James
Melissa James is "The Exterior Enthusiast" for Quality Built Exteriors. She has written about home decorating and improvement since 2005. Learn more.
Got a question or comment for Melissa? Reach her at [email protected].