Quality Built blogger’s tips featured in Woman’s World Magazine

Filed Under: Curb Appeal, In the Press
June 1, 2020
Woman's World Magazine Article-2

by Melissa James

Quality Built blogger’s tips featured in Woman’s World Magazine

I was surprised and flattered when, one day this spring, a journalist from Woman’s World magazine reached out through the Quality Built Exteriors website to seek my advice. Writing about home exteriors has been a passion for years (though I would not call myself an “expert,” she did in the article).

So when she asked me some simple ideas for making a home’s exterior more appealing, I gave her—perhaps overwhelmed her with—some of my favorite tricks and tips. As a simple blogger in Hampton Roads, Virginia, I was especially excited to see my own ideas shared alongside those of an HGTV star!

No, that is not me in the photo… guess they didn’t need a model, lol. But you’ll see my quotes sprinkled liberally throughout the boxes. Without further ado, I invite you to read the finished article, which was clearly designed with a patriotic palette for the approaching July 4 holiday:

Woman's World Magazine Article

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